Die Oos-Kaapse gesondheidsdepartement ondersoek aantygings van pasiënte wat sê hulle mag die toilet by die Frere-hospitaal in Oos-Londen net drie keer per dag gebruik. As hulle die toilet buite die geskeduleerde toilet-tye ná elke ete wil gebruik, sal dit sonder die hulp van verpleegsters wees. Sinethemba Joya (29), ’n pasiënt van Kaapstad wat in die..
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Pasiënte mag toilet by die Frere-hospitaal in Oos-Londen net drie keer per dag gebruik
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Vacant positions at The Bheki Mlangeni Hospital in Soweto apparently sells for money and sex
The Gauteng Department of Health held disciplinary hearings in connection with 111 incidents where employment was offered for sale at the Bheki Mlangeni Hospital in Soweto. Jack Bloom, DA’s spokesperson for health in Gauteng, said the shocking announcement was made in Gauteng by Ms. Gwen Ramokgopa in response to a question Bloom had addressed to..
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Suid-Afrikaners gewaarsku oor verhoogde malaria-risiko, veral in noordelike dele van die land
Die Nasionale Instituut vir Oordraagbare Siektes (Nios) het Maandag gewaarsku dat Suid-Afrikaners bedag moet wees op ’n malaria-risiko, veral in die noordelike dele van die land wat nou die somerreënseisoen binnegaan. “Ongelukkig het ons nog nie die laaste van malaria in Suid-Afrika beleef nie wat volgens alle aanduidings ’n terugkeer maak,” sê dr. Peter Vincent..
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Vrou wag al 29 dae vir man se lyk omrede staatslykhuis nog geen lykskouing gedoen het
Amper 29 dae nadat Kobus Cronje (58) dood is, lê sy lyk nog in die staatslykhuis van die Tygerberg-hospitaal terwyl sy vrou, Nina, hom ’n waardige begrafnis wil gee. Maar die forensiese patologiediens van die Wes-Kaapse departement van gesondheid wag vir mediese verslae van die laaste hospitaal waar Cronje behandel is, sê Robert Daniels, ’n..
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Ageing health infrastructure in South-Africa must receive urgent attention
Deputy President David Mabuza has announced that government will prioritise the upgrading and maintenance of health infrastructure in an effort to deal with the challenge of ageing and dilapidated infrastructure in public health facilities. Mabuza made the remark while highlighting the outcomes of the two-day Presidential Health Summit held in Boksburg. During the summit, Mabuza..
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Clinic in Port Elizabeth temporary shutdown due to gang violence
A group of residents in Helenvale, Port Elizabeth, shut down their local clinic on Wednesday fearing for the safety of staff and patients after ongoing gang activity in the area. Community members say Helenvale Clinic has been repeatedly targeted by criminals, who recently stole the air-conditioner. As a result, the Helenvale Clinic committee decided to..
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4 000 tuberkulose-pasiënte landwyd is verlore in die Noord-Kaapse departement van gesondheid se inligtingstelsel
Die inligting van meer as 4 000 tuberkulose-pasiënte uit 80 000 gevalle landwyd het in die Noord-Kaapse departement van gesondheid se inligtingstelsel “verlore” gegaan. Andrew Louw, Noord-Kaapse DA-leier, sê Fufe Makatong, LUR vir gesondheid, moet dringend ’n aksieplan opstel om dié pasiënte op te spoor. Die DA sê sy inligting kom uit die departement se..
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High infant death rate in dysfunctional Pelonomi Regional Hospital in Bloemfontein
The infant mortality rate at the Pelonomi Regional Hospital in Bloemfontein, Free State, is almost three times higher than the national average – and many of these deaths could have been avoided. This is according to Mariette Pittaway, DA MPL in the Free State, who said the hospital’s maternity ward had been plagued by severe..
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Omstrede psigiatriese hospitaal in Kimberley wat belastingbetaler R2 miljard gekos het, steeds in onbruik
Meer as 12 jaar nadat bouwerk aan Kimberley se omstrede psigiatriese hospitaal begin het en nadat meer as R2 miljard reeds aan die projek bestee is, staan die hospitaal steeds leeg en ongebruik. Andrew Louw, die DA se provinsiale leier en premierskandidaat in die Noord-Kaap, het Woensdag op Wêreldgeestesgesondheidsdag die terrein saam met ’n DA-span..
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Staatsklinieke op Upington se krag in snikhete afgesny weens wanbetaling, medisyne moet dringend verskuif word
Medisyne in staatsklinieke op Upington wat glo na koeler bergplekke verskuif moes word omdat hul krag in die snikhete afgesny is, mors geld en lei tot swak dienslewering. Só sê Andrew Louw, Noord-Kaapse DA-leier, wat aan Fufe Makatong, die LUR vir gesondheid, geskryf het om te versoek dat die departement sy elektrisiteitsrekeninge betyds betaal. “Die..
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Medical Aid Advice & Health Tips
- Smoking Can Really Weaken the HeartTitle: Smoking Can Really Weaken the HeartCategory: Health NewsCreated: 8/26/2022 12:00:00 AMLast Editorial Review: 8/26/2022 12:00:00 AM
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- Should Medical Cannabis be used for Chronic Pain? – iTV.ie
- Are Globalists Planning to Charge us to Breathe? What is your breath worth?
- China Testing Sinovac Vaccine on SA Children – Offers SinoVac Packaging Facility in SA as Sweetener!
- African Union Playing Vaccine Victim Again Despite “Rich Countries” Having EIGHT Times More Covid Deaths per Million Population!
- Huge March Against “Vaccination Passports” in Amsterdam Draws 100,000 Protesters from Across the Political Spectrum!
- List of Vaccine Resources to do your own Independent Research to promote #OpenDebate and #InformedConsent!
- 160 Americans Died & Over 10,000 Infected with Covid-19 Despite being Fully Vaccinated says CDC, but Claims it is Rare!
- Facebook Stops Banning Posts About Covid Leak from Wuhan Lab! So What Else is Big Tech Wrong About? US Elections 2020?
- Ramaphosa Tries the “Apartheid Whip” Scam to Destroy Multinational Covid Patent Profits & Guilt Trip Covid Vaccines from Wealthy Countries!
- Deliberate Malevolent Negligence by Socialist ANC Kills Another Innocent! State Hospital Without Water for 3 Days!
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- Are COVID19 Tests Irrelevant or Faulty? SA the Only Country in the World Where Infections Dropped on Day ONE of Lockdown, Instead of Two Weeks Later!
- W.H.O. Director General Tells The World To Stay Locked Down While China Gets A Headstart in Global Economy! 848,000 Sign Petition for his Resignation!
- ANC Doesn’t Know Which Province 11 People Who Tested Positive for #COVID19 Are From Yet Everyone Praises Emperor Ramaphosa & his Invisible Cloak!
- Update: Two COVID19 Positive Doctors Who Were Arrested & Locked in TB Hospital Released! Were Not Seen by a Doctor & Had to Take Own Temperatures!