Six psychiatric patients are tied to their beds in two tiny, dimly lit cubicles in the emergency ward of South Africa’s biggest hospital, where the country’s dire healthcare crisis is starkly evident. Some of the group are restrained using just medical bandages, while one screaming female patient is tied to a bed that is itself..
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Failing health system in spotlight ahead of vote – psychiatric patients tied to bed in emergency ward of SA’s biggest hospital – is this the guaranteed basic treatment that ANC-regime promised South Africans when it came to power in 1994?
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Patient’s nightmare after operation at EL hospital – man lay in faeces, infested with flies
The family of a man who allegedly lay in bed in his own faeces, with an open wound infested with flies, has accused Frere Hospital of negligence and poor service. Reginald Durandt, 52, from Amalinda, was admitted to the hospital on April 9 for surgery on a twisted bowel. His brother, Henry Durandt, said Reginald’s..
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Hospitaal se hele bestuurspan in die pad gesteek in Limpopo – ‘n Mens kan hier doodgaan terwyl jy wag dat ’n dokter of verpleegster jou spreek
Skokkende wanbestuur by die Tshilidzini-hospitaal in Limpopo het daartoe gelei dat dr. Phophi Ramathuba, LUR vir gesondheid in Limpopo, dié hospitaal se hele bestuurspan in die pad gesteek het. Die hospitaal in die Vhembe-gebied bedien ’n groot gemeenskap. Probleme by die hospitaal sluit in vervalle geboue, swak diens, lang toue mense wat ure lank wag..
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Pasiënte mag toilet by die Frere-hospitaal in Oos-Londen net drie keer per dag gebruik
Die Oos-Kaapse gesondheidsdepartement ondersoek aantygings van pasiënte wat sê hulle mag die toilet by die Frere-hospitaal in Oos-Londen net drie keer per dag gebruik. As hulle die toilet buite die geskeduleerde toilet-tye ná elke ete wil gebruik, sal dit sonder die hulp van verpleegsters wees. Sinethemba Joya (29), ’n pasiënt van Kaapstad wat in die..
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4 000 tuberkulose-pasiënte landwyd is verlore in die Noord-Kaapse departement van gesondheid se inligtingstelsel
Die inligting van meer as 4 000 tuberkulose-pasiënte uit 80 000 gevalle landwyd het in die Noord-Kaapse departement van gesondheid se inligtingstelsel “verlore” gegaan. Andrew Louw, Noord-Kaapse DA-leier, sê Fufe Makatong, LUR vir gesondheid, moet dringend ’n aksieplan opstel om dié pasiënte op te spoor. Die DA sê sy inligting kom uit die departement se..
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Staatshospitaal in Koster, Noordwes in wanorde; skoonmaker voer pasiënte
Die staatshospitaal in Koster, Noordwes, is vervalle, onhigiënies en net ses lyke kan in die lykshuis geberg word. Dit is volgens Cobus Snyman, DA-raadslid in die Kgetlengrivier-munisipaliteit wat die gebied bedien, die toestande wat die party op ’n onlangse besoek aan die hospitaal aangetref het. Tebogo Lekgethwane, woordvoerder van Noordwes se gesondheidsdepartement, erken die lykshuis..
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Pasiënt kla oor haglike toestande by F.H. Odendaal-hospitaal in Modimolle
‘n Hospitaal word geassosieer met higiëne en orde- Dit, sê ’n ontstelde inwoner van Modimolle, is egter nie die geval by die F.H. Odendaal-hospitaal in Modimolle nie. Foto’s van haar onlangse besoek aan die hospitaal wys ’n stukkende kraan wat met ’n vuil verband “reggemaak” is, stowwerige vensterbanke, toiletpapier wat in die bad lê, vuil..
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Kliniek in Limpopo het glo geen medisyne vir diabete
Geen antibiotika, hoesstroop of medisyne vir diabete nie. Dit is van die skoktoestande waarop Lindy Wilson, nasionale DA-woordvoerder, Donderdag op ’n oorsigbesoek aan die Waterval-kliniek in die Vhembe-distrik, Limpopo, afgekom het. Dit is ondanks 95% van die begroting van die hospitaal wat gebruik word om salarisse te betaal. Sy het ook die Elim-hospitaal in die..
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Resident allegedly turned away from clinic because she’s ‘white’
The metro has denied claims that Yolanda Ferencak’s children were turned away from Birchleigh North Clinic because they are white. “The acting manager interviewed all the personnel at Birchleigh North Clinic. They indicated that none of them saw or sent away any patient or referred them to Birchleigh Clinic,” said Themba Gadebe, the metro’s spokesperson…
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Hospital operate without Lights,Toilet Papers,Panado, and Pain Killers
Hellen Franz Hospital at Blouberg Municipality ka Limpopo must be placed under Administration,how can a Hospital operate without Lights,Toilet Papers,Panado, and Pain Killers..? We can not allow ANC’s Phophi Ramathuba and her incompetent Managers to continue with killing of our people,this Hospital is now a Mortuary coz even if you go there with scratched finger,you..
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Medical Aid Advice & Health Tips
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- China Testing Sinovac Vaccine on SA Children – Offers SinoVac Packaging Facility in SA as Sweetener!
- African Union Playing Vaccine Victim Again Despite “Rich Countries” Having EIGHT Times More Covid Deaths per Million Population!
- Huge March Against “Vaccination Passports” in Amsterdam Draws 100,000 Protesters from Across the Political Spectrum!
- List of Vaccine Resources to do your own Independent Research to promote #OpenDebate and #InformedConsent!
- 160 Americans Died & Over 10,000 Infected with Covid-19 Despite being Fully Vaccinated says CDC, but Claims it is Rare!
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- Deliberate Malevolent Negligence by Socialist ANC Kills Another Innocent! State Hospital Without Water for 3 Days!
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- W.H.O. Director General Tells The World To Stay Locked Down While China Gets A Headstart in Global Economy! 848,000 Sign Petition for his Resignation!
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- Update: Two COVID19 Positive Doctors Who Were Arrested & Locked in TB Hospital Released! Were Not Seen by a Doctor & Had to Take Own Temperatures!