#TheAfricanWay The typical infrastructural decay seen in all Socialist states worldwide like Venezuela and Cuba, is also killing South Africans in increasing numbers! A young man needing an urgent, yet routine operation, died in Kimberley state hospital, because of a lack of water! The ANC cadres that are inserted into the civil service, by the ANC’s Socialist Cadre Deployment program, are unqualified, inexperienced and too obsessed with consuming things and spouting ideological human rights propaganda, that they cannot even coordinate or arrange the simple basic human right of water (UN), causing Ivan Gerber’s urgent operation to be delayed, leaving him to die! Is it any wonder proponents of Socialism are called Useful IDIOTS?
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Deliberate Malevolent Negligence by Socialist ANC Kills Another Innocent! State Hospital Without Water for 3 Days!
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‘Horrifying Cruelty By The ANC – South Africans endure pain, suffering and neglect at Robert Sobukwe Hospital
‘Horrifying Cruelty By The ANC; Onlookers Shocked in Ward 31 This Morning’ South Africans endure pain, suffering and neglect at Robert Sobukwe Hospital, Kimberley last night and this morning. This photo shows the sick and injured who are forced to lie on cold floors. Many cry in anguish and discomfort, and embarrassment. Their frustration is..
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Omstrede psigiatriese hospitaal in Kimberley wat belastingbetaler R2 miljard gekos het, steeds in onbruik
Meer as 12 jaar nadat bouwerk aan Kimberley se omstrede psigiatriese hospitaal begin het en nadat meer as R2 miljard reeds aan die projek bestee is, staan die hospitaal steeds leeg en ongebruik. Andrew Louw, die DA se provinsiale leier en premierskandidaat in die Noord-Kaap, het Woensdag op Wêreldgeestesgesondheidsdag die terrein saam met ’n DA-span..
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Noord-Kaapse departement van gesondheid staar Miljoene rande se eise in gesig vir nalatigheid by 3 geboortes
Die Noord-Kaapse departement van gesondheid kan hom regmaak vir eise van R60 miljoen vir skadevergoeding nadat hy mediese nalatigheid by die geboorte van drie babas erken het. Die bedrae wat geëis word, moet nog in verdere verhore bewys word. Dit volg op drie siviele gedinge wat die afgelope drie weke in die hooggeregshof in Kimberley..
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Man dies after four hour wait for ambulance
A 52-year-old Kimberley man died while waiting over four hours for an ambulance to transport him for medical attention on Monday morning.
The man’s niece, Elizabeth Manogwe, believes that her uncle would still be alive had the ambulance arrived sooner.
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Controversial billion rand mental hospital becoming white elephant
The DA is concerned that a number of factors are threatening the operationalization of the new mental hospital in Kimberley, placing it at a very possible risk of becoming a white elephant. These factors include an obvious lack of funds coupled with internal management issues at the Northern Cape Health Department and within provincial government…
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Noord-Kaapse LUR van gesondheid moet opdok vir bejaarde se onderbeen
Die Noord-Kaapse LUR van gesondheid is Woensdag in die hooggeregshof in Kimberley beveel om die mediese en regskoste te betaal van ’n bejaarde man wat sy onderbeen weens mediese nalatigheid verloor het. Regter Mpho Mamosebo het in haar uitspraak gesê dit ontstem haar dat ’n kundige soos dr. Qebelo Maseme, wat vir die LUR getuig..
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