A stakeholders meeting on January 6 discussed problems which included overcrowding in the ward, staff shortages, and inappropriate equipment storage. Continue reading…
A patient in the Helen Joseph hospital in Johannesburg, Anna-Marie Buys who is in her late seventies and suffers from lung and brain cancer, sustained serious neck injuries on Saturday around 01: 45 when a black female patient climbed on top of her and started to saw her neck with a plastic knife. The incident.. Continue reading…
The Public Service Commission has completed its report after an unannounced inspection at Cecilia Makiwane and Frere Hospitals in East London. Following unannounced inspections at the Cecilia Makiwane Hospital’s Mental Health Unit and Frere Hospital’s Nerina House Nurses Home in August 2019, the Public Service Commission (PSC) released its report on Tuesday 3 December 2019,.. Continue reading…
The ANC government is again, as it was last year, extremely negligent in dealing with graduated young doctors who have to be posted for their one year community service. About 2,600 young doctors who have graduated within a month have not yet been notified where to go for their one-year mandatory service to the community… Continue reading…
There is plenty of competition, with many government hospitals in the province described as deadly. The Democratic Alliance (DA) has released the results of a social media campaign attempting to expose the worst hospital in Gauteng. According to a statement, the Jubilee Hospital in Hammanskraal has earned this honour. “Other hospitals mentioned frequently include the.. Continue reading…
The FF Plus paid an urgent visit to the Sebokeng Hospital in Emfuleni last Friday after the parents of a young man approached the party to investigate the circumstances at the hospital. The 21-year-old man, who has been in the hospital for 35 days, was admitted on the 10th of June for a simple procedure… Continue reading…
Five new hospitals are among the top 20 hospitals in the country this year, according to the Discovery Health outreach. Busamed Hillcrest Private Hospital (Durban, KwaZulu-Natal) has been on the list of 20 best hospitals for five years. Discovery Health first released the results of a survey in 2014, filling out members of the medical.. Continue reading…
There have been mounting calls recently for central academic hospitals to be moved into the national governance sphere, allowing the national health department to administer and run these institutions. Even Gauteng premier David Makhura supported the idea in his state of the province address, indicating that Charlotte Maxeke Johannesburg Hospital, Chris Hani Baragwanath Hospital, Steve.. Continue reading…
NASPERS (Netwerk24) het ons gevra om dié berig hieronder te verwyder. Wat is dit wat Netwerk24 wil wegsteek van arm mense van SA, wat nie subskripsies tot NASPERS, of Mediese Fondse kan bekostig nie? Wil hulle hê arm mense moet onder die verkeerde indruk wees dat Staatshospitale absoluut goed is, en dan as hulle daar opdaag in ‘n noodgeval, word hulle vir die dood gelaat deur nalatigheid wat nie net doelbewus is nie maar ook dalk rassisties is? Continue reading…
A Durban man whose father’s mouth was infested with maggots after he was admitted to RK Khan Hospital says he will not rest until the staff at the facility pay for neglecting him. Azaad Ebrahim said he was livid with the hospital after his 52-year-old father Abdul, who suffered a stroke and had mobility issues,.. Continue reading…