Treasury has allocated an additional R4.2-billion to the National Health Insurance (NHI), sticking to its guns on funding it through cutting tax credits. In the budget tabled by Finance Minister Malusi Gigaba on Wednesday, an additional R700-million was set aside for 2018/19, R1.4 billion for 2019/20 and R2.1 billion for 2020/21 – all to be..
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Will Extra R4.2-billion allocated to the National Health Insurance change the poor state of hospital care?
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Moms with newborns have to lie on floor in overcrowded NW hospital
A picture of a woman lying with her newborn baby on a mattress placed on the floor of the maternity ward at the Bophelong Hospital in Mahikeng has gone viral‚ thrusting the apparently overcrowded hospital into the spotlight. On Monday‚ the North West Department of Health told TimesLIVE that it was aware of the crisis..
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SA ‘dokters’ in China moet glo oor begin in Rusland
Sowat 60 Vrystaatse mediese studente wat al drie jaar in China studeer, gaan glo na Rusland gestuur word waar hulle van voor af met hul studie moet begin. Dit omdat die Raad vir Gesondheidsberoepe van Suid-Afrika nie hul kwalifikasies erken nie omdat dit glo nie op peil is nie.
So beweer Kgotso Morapela, Vrystaatse leier van die EFF.
Dit is glo omdat die Vrystaatse premierskantoor wat die beursprojekte hanteer, die studente van swak inligting voorsien het, sê Morapela.
Tiisetso Makhele, woordvoerder van die Vrystaatse premier, Ace Magashule, het gesê hulle wag op die EFF om met hulle oor die saak te praat.
“Die Vrystaatse Provinsiale Regering het ’n komitee gestig wat alle sake rondom die beursprogramme hanteer. Ons sal die saak met die nodige waardigheid hanteer.”
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Geld groot kopseer vir gesondheid in Gauteng
Die onlangse uitbreking van die dodelike listeriose in Gauteng is nie die grootste probleem wat die provinsiale gesondheidsdepartement in die gesig staar nie. Die min geld tot die einde van die finansiële jaar is vir die DA ’n bron van kommer.
Jack Bloom, die DA se woordvoerder in Gauteng, sê hoewel listeriose moeilik is om te bekamp, het die voorkoming van die siekte in werklikheid ’n minimale impak op die departement se funksionering.
Dr. Gwen Ramokgopa, Gauteng se LUR vir gesondheid, het Dinsdag by ’n voorlegging aan die provinsiale portefeuljekomitee oor gesondheid erken haar departement sukkel om die siekte te bekamp.
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Discovery Health recovers R568m through fraud-control activities in 2017
According to Discovery Health CEO, Dr Jonathan Broomberg, efforts to curb fraud in the healthcare system resulted in R568m recovered on behalf of client schemes in 2017, compared to R405m in 2016. Further, fraud-control activities in which health professionals and others contemplating fraud desist from committing fraud in reaction to visible policing and action by Discovery Health, prevented additional fraud to the value of approximately R3bn over the last two years, adds Broomberg.
Discovery Health has invested substantially in fighting the scourge of healthcare fraud. Efforts include the deployment of a specialised team of over 100 analysts and professional investigators as well as a proprietary forensic software system that uses sophisticated algorithms to analyse claims data and identify any unusual claim patterns. Invaluable tip-offs from whistleblowers also help to identify fraud.
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62 psigiatriese pasiënte nog vermis na Life Esidimeni-skandaal
Dit lyk soos ’n lys soldate wat ná ’n oorlog vermis is in aksie – maar in die werklike lewe is dit die lys van die Gautengse departement van gesondheid se lys van 62 psigiatriese pasiënte wat met die Life Esidimeni-skandaal verdwyn het.
Die pasiënte kan nêrens opgespoor word nie nadat hulle vanuit die sorgeenheid na verskeie ongeregistreerde sorgsentrums oorgeplaas is.
Altesaam 143 pasiënte is sedert die verskuiwing dood.
’n Arbitrasieverhoor word tans gehou onder die voorsitterskap van regter Dikgang Moseneke.
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Cancer patient dies after being sent home because he was ‘going to die anyway’
A DURBAN man diagnosed with stage four cancer was reportedly refused treatment at Addington Hospital. He said he was told he was old and “going to die anyway”. He wanted justice for other elderly patients.
The Sunday Tribune Herald spoke to him earlier in the week, and on Saturday, he died. By this time, the Sunday Tribune Herald had already been printed.
This was his story:
Hoosen Noor Mahomed, 60, of Charlotte Maxeke (Beatrice) Street wanted to share his story in the hope that others like him won’t have to endure such treatment.
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Probe launched after patient falls from bed – RIP MR JC Botha
Photo’s not for sensitive viewers. The provincial health department is investigating an incident at Livingstone Hospital’s oncology unit after the family of a terminally ill Sidwell man found him hanging half off the bed, his face covered in blood. The family claim they called for 10 minutes for a nurse before someone came to help..
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Union stops its nurses from escorting patients
The provincial branch of the Democratic Nursing Organisation of SA (Denosa) is stopping its members from escorting patients from one health care facility to another. The union said its members had been exploited and overworked for too long, with the Health Department “dragging its feet” on employing paramedics qualified to handle referrals and transfers. Mandla..
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Discovery Health recovers R568m through fraud-control activities in 2017
According to Discovery Health CEO, Dr Jonathan Broomberg, efforts to curb fraud in the healthcare system resulted in R568m recovered on behalf of client schemes in 2017, compared to R405m in 2016. Further, fraud-control activities in which health professionals and others contemplating fraud desist from committing fraud in reaction to visible policing and action by..
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