ANC regime’s NHI plan back in the news – according to spokesman it will be wisely implemented – As if the ANC knows what wisely means!

Employees of Rob Ferreira workers down tools, demands that MEC step in to resolve the impasse between management in order to create a safer work environment

Belastingbetalers gaan moet opdok vir Nasionale Gesondheidsversekering – menende dat jy gaan betaal vir die migrant se gesondheidsdienste

Jubilee Hospital in Hammanskraal – ‘Go in alive, come out a corpse.’ DA crowns ‘worst hospital in Gauteng’

Nearly seven hours: that’s how long it takes to get treated at Pretoria hospital

FF Plus pays a visit to Sebokeng Hospital after parents’ plea to investigate adverse conditions and incompetent actions of medical professionals

Staatshospitale val uitmekaar weens verouderde infrastruktuur en verkeer in haglike toestande maar ANC-regime gaan eerder R30 miljard gee vir nuttelose NGV

State takeover of academic hospitals is not the answer – Central healthcare clinical and administrative capacity lacking and provinces would be affected adversely

NHI dream is actually a sick and an unaffordable nightmare and built on a foundation of failure and ignorance

NASPERS Steek Volksmoord Agter Betaalmuur Weg – Doodsvonisse word opgelê by Staatshospitale vir diegene wat nie mediese fondse kan bekostig nie! Bejaarde vrou dood ná sy geen sorg vir gebreekte been ontvang by provinsiale hospitaal