A 19-year-old woman who delivered a “decapitated” baby is planning to sue the Gauteng health department. According to eNCA, the woman had suffered with abdominal pain for a few weeks before she went into labour. The woman, who has not been named, spoke to eNCA. She then went to a general practitioner, who found that..
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Woman to sue Gauteng health department after giving birth to ‘decapitated’ baby in state hospital
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Gauteng-gesondheid R5 mjd. in die rooi en sal waarskynlik ’n reddingsboei moet kry, nogtans ploeg ANC regering voort met nuwe gesondheidsplan alhoewel hy nou alreeds nie die mas kan opkom nie
Die Gautengse departement van gesondheid sal waarskynlik ’n reddingsboei moet kry, waarsku die DA. Jack Bloom, DA-woordvoerder oor gesondheid in Gauteng, sê dr. Gwen Ramokgopa, Gautengse LUR vir gesondheid, het verlede week bevestig die departement is sowat R5 miljard in die rooi. Bloom het haar op ’n vergadering van die Gautengse wetgewer se gesondheidskomitee oor..
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Vacant positions at The Bheki Mlangeni Hospital in Soweto apparently sells for money and sex
The Gauteng Department of Health held disciplinary hearings in connection with 111 incidents where employment was offered for sale at the Bheki Mlangeni Hospital in Soweto. Jack Bloom, DA’s spokesperson for health in Gauteng, said the shocking announcement was made in Gauteng by Ms. Gwen Ramokgopa in response to a question Bloom had addressed to..
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Cancer crisis: Where are South Africa’s radiation oncologists?
Everyone knows about KZN’s cancer crisis but no one is talking about the other provinces that operate on just one radiation oncologist – or less…
There is not a single radiation oncologist left in Limpopo or Mpumalanga, according to an annual survey conducted by the South African Society of Clinical and Radiation Oncology.
In fact, half the country’s provinces may be relying on just nine radiation oncologists in Gauteng as cancer services in five provinces buckle.
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62 psigiatriese pasiënte nog vermis na Life Esidimeni-skandaal
Dit lyk soos ’n lys soldate wat ná ’n oorlog vermis is in aksie – maar in die werklike lewe is dit die lys van die Gautengse departement van gesondheid se lys van 62 psigiatriese pasiënte wat met die Life Esidimeni-skandaal verdwyn het.
Die pasiënte kan nêrens opgespoor word nie nadat hulle vanuit die sorgeenheid na verskeie ongeregistreerde sorgsentrums oorgeplaas is.
Altesaam 143 pasiënte is sedert die verskuiwing dood.
’n Arbitrasieverhoor word tans gehou onder die voorsitterskap van regter Dikgang Moseneke.
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Familie word van bakpoort na stuurpoort gestuur by Steve Biko Hospitaal na seun se ongeluk
Die Steve Biko Akademiese Hospitaal is weereens onder die vergrootglas geplaas nadat nog klagtes na vore gekom het. ’n Familie van die Moot sê die hospitaal was nalatig nadat ’n geliefde verlede Woensdag in die hospitaal opgeneem is. Jayden Pieterse (27) is in die hospitaal opgeneem nadat hy in ’n verskeersongeluk betrokke was. Die ongeluk..
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Sheriff seizes more furniture, equipment from Gauteng health department
The Gauteng health department has had more of its furniture seized to settle debts owed to companies, the DA said on Tuesday. “The furniture removal man said he has got instructions to take what he has to take. There’s chairs, computers, fans and there is even a fridge. It is ridiculous,” DA Gauteng spokesperson for..
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Intervention sought over ‘hospital horror’ at Warmbaths Hospital
The Post received a lengthy complaint from Barry Bredenkamp regarding alleged poor service at the Bela-Bela (Warmbaths) hospital. Bredenkamp stated that a young man had committed suicide in the early hours of Sunday, 24 September, at Bela-Bela. Bredenkamp said that the man’s mother woke-up to the tragic news early on the Sunday morning and immediately..
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Suid-Rand-hospitaal in Johannesburg het 4 031 geboufoute
Meer as 4 000 geboufoute is in die Suid-Rand-hospitaal in The Hill in Johannesburg geïdentifiseer en dit voldoen glo nie aan die Wet op Beroepsgesondheid en Veiligheid nie. Dr. Gwen Ramokgopa, Gautengse LUR vir gesondheid, het dit in ’n geskrewe antwoord op vrae deur Jack Bloom, DA-woordvoerder oor gesondheid in Gauteng, in die provinsiale wetgewer..
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Life Esidimeni: How good people come to do very bad things
Arbitration reveals the skeletons in the Gauteng health department’s closet culture that gave rise to 141 deaths and continues to thrive. Levy Mosenogi could be described like many men who throughout history who have ended up on its bad side: a religious man and active in his community by his own account during his recent..
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