Peperduur Albert Nzula-hospitaal in Trompsburg nou ‘net ’n kliniek’

Gautengse gesondheidsdepartement laat pasiënte weer honger ly

Hospital of horrors – More than 150 feral cats creep into patients’ beds at Vryheid Hospital

Charlotte Maxeke Hospital faces a possible shut down

LUR geskok oor pasiënte op bankies en vloere slaap by Church of Scotland-hospitaal

Rioters chase doctors away from dying patients at Tshepong hospital

Man in PE hospitaal gesê om in kombers te urineer a.g.v ‘n tekort aan bedpanne

Army takes over Mahikeng hospital as health services close to collapse

Mahikeng Provincial Hospital – Ill patient ignored and sent home in a wheelbarrow

Horror stories of births at Yusuf Dadoo – Mother had to pull baby out by herself