The new National Health Insurance (NHI) that the ANC-regime wants to implement is facing fierce opposition from doctors and medical professionals in the Free State. These medics are currently threatening to go overseas, meanwhile, the Free State DA has also been involved in a fight with Montsent Tsiu, the MEC of Health in the province…
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National Health Insurance: Medical specialists and doctors threaten to flee overseas
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New Health Plan poses huge risk to SA’s economy and would be disastrous if implemented – even far left FW de Klerk Foundation have their doubts!
The ANC regime has South Africa’s people in a huge dilemma with its National Health Plan.
Foreign media reports that a government spokesman said the plan would be implemented gradually, but that would depend on the economic growth achieved.
Experts point out that the country will not show any significant growth in the next five years, with the massive unemployment still rising.
The plan is believed to be “rolled out” in phases as economic growth improves, but experts point out that nothing has been said about what will happen if the economy recedes further.
Opinionists believe this will mean that the tax assessment could increase dramatically, and ultimately the entire Plan will fail.
Even the far left FW de Klerk Foundation believes implementing the Health Plan will be yet another disaster for South Africa.
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SA hospitale word as “dood inrigtings” beskryf en beoogde Nasionale Gesondheidsprogram sal op ’n totale ramp afstuur – gratis mediese sorg vir hele bevolking nie haalbaar
Die regering wil graag ʼn Nasionale Gesondheid-program daar stel sodat die hele bevolking van Suid Afrika, toegang tot gratis mediese sorg kan kry. Die realiteit spreek egter boekdele. Na ‘n onsuksesvolle termyn as Minister van Gesondheid is Aaron Motsoaledi “herontplooi” na ʼn ander sektor van die kabinet. Onder sy heerskappy het 143 pasiënte gesterf in..
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Under this mortifying and morbid circumstances that characterise the department of Health in Gauteng why has Section 100(b) not been applied to this department since the Provincial government has failed to address issues of Social Justice in Health care. One should also indicate that the negligence of the sickly and abuse of public resources is..
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‘Terminally ill children left to die in pain in SA government hospitals’ – ANC-regime has not yet implemented its policy on palliative care, affecting paediatric patients with terminal illnesses.
This is the assertion of paediatrician Dr Michelle Meiring, who said while the policy had been approved, there has been no budget to implement it. “These kids are suffering in pain today. We need to do something more urgently,” she said. Meiring is a senior lecturer in palliative medicine at the University of Cape Town,..
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ANC regime se ondersoek na privaat gesondheidsorg kos die belastingbetalers reeds miljoene Rand
Die verkwisting van geld duur net voort en wek die indruk dat sulke ondersoeke ’n nuwe vorm van korrupsie is waar sekere mense hulleself verryk. Die Kompetisie Kommissie se ondersoek rondom Gesondheidsorg se ondersoek het die staat R196 miljoen gekos. Die vyf paneel lede is as volg vergoed: dr Cees Van Gent van Nederland het..
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Tekort aan menslike bronne kelder ANC-regime se Gesondheidsplan
In ‘n verslag van die SA Health Review blyk dit dat die tekort aan menslike hulpbronne die ANC se droom van universele gesondheid dekking kelder. Die verslag toon dat veral die landelike areas ernstige tekorte het aan mediese beamptes. Syfers toon dat soveel as 106,000 poste reeds in 2010 vakant was vir 14 kliniese gesondheidsprofessies…
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Horrific photos from the children’s ward in a provincial hospital in Mpumalanga, Middelburg
‘A Pathetic ANC Government; A Pathetic People; A Match Made in Hell’ – These horrific photos are from the childrens ward in a provincial hospital in Mpumalanga, Middelburg What does it say about black South Africans, when they sit back and allow their elected government to treat their sick, ailing and injured children like human..
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