New Health Plan poses huge risk to SA’s economy and would be disastrous if implemented – even far left FW de Klerk Foundation have their doubts!

ANC regime’s NHI plan back in the news – according to spokesman it will be wisely implemented – As if the ANC knows what wisely means!

‘Pay or Die’: Huge Disparity in Cost of Cancer Treatment – A year’s supply of cancer medicine cost less than R32,000 in India, but costs R882,000 in South Africa!

Employees of Rob Ferreira workers down tools, demands that MEC step in to resolve the impasse between management in order to create a safer work environment

Belastingbetalers gaan moet opdok vir Nasionale Gesondheidsversekering – menende dat jy gaan betaal vir die migrant se gesondheidsdienste

Mediese fonds lede kan hul staal vir verhogings van gemiddeld 8,8% in hul premies in 2020

Nearly seven hours: that’s how long it takes to get treated at Pretoria hospital

FF Plus pays a visit to Sebokeng Hospital after parents’ plea to investigate adverse conditions and incompetent actions of medical professionals

For those of you who can afford medical aid, here are the top 20 hospitals in SA

Staatshospitale val uitmekaar weens verouderde infrastruktuur en verkeer in haglike toestande maar ANC-regime gaan eerder R30 miljard gee vir nuttelose NGV